Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Word Cloud on things in a house


Hi, kids!
This is my word cloud on things in a house

My surrealist painting: "Fall of the feathers"

Hi, kids!
This is my surrealist painting. It  is called "Fall of the feathers"

Friday, 5 March 2010

I'm the Ox

Born leaders who will work hard to achieve their aims. Dependable, good organisers and not easily influenced by others. Patient, loyal to their friends and expect loyalty in return. Tend to have lasting relationships.

Líderes natos que van traballar duro para acadar os seus obxectivos. Fiable, os organizadores bo e non é facilmente influenciado por outros. Paciente, leais aos seus amigos e esperar que a lealdade a cambio. Tenden a ter relación duradeiro.